  • Public
  • Public/Protected
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Represents a market on the Nash Exchange.

Generally, this is consumed in the form of Record<string, Market> where string represents the market's name. This interface represents the absolute minimum of properties needed for the Nash Protocol to function.


  • Market



Readonly minTickSize

minTickSize: number

Represents the smallest increment by which an order size can increase in the given market.

For example, if minTickSize is 0.1, all trades must be sized in increments of 0.1.

Readonly minTradeIncrement

minTradeIncrement: number

Represents the smallest increment by which an order price can increase for the given market's aUnit, or base currency.

Readonly minTradeIncrementB

minTradeIncrementB: number

Represents the smallest increment by which an order price can increase for the given market's bUnit, or quote currency.

Readonly minTradeSize

minTradeSize: number

Represents the lowest price an order can have in the given market.


  • Property

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